burlesque (n.)脫衣舞表演
rage (n.)狂怒、風靡一時的盛行
Burlesque is all the rage again.
pick-me-up (n.)興奮劑、提神飲神
He offered me a pick-me-up.
damper (n.)使人掃興的人或事
Let’s not put a damper on the upcoming festivities.
damp (adj.)潮濕的 (n.)潮濕
It’s a damp room.
arraign (v.)傳訊、控告、指責
Are you being arraigned for something?
avant-garde (adj.)前衛的 (n.)前衛派
Something avant-garde yet nostalgic.
buy the house out (phr.)包場
Truth is I bought the house out already for tonight.
loaded (adj.)富有的
He was born poor, I was born loaded.
load (n.)負擔-精神層面
I don’t want to be your load.
load (n.)裝載、工作量
My workload is heavy.
load (v.)裝、裝載
Can you load the ship with goods?
load up (phr.)裝貨
Have you finished loading up?
paw (n.)親暱地撫摸
I wonder why was he pawing some Asian chick in his limo.
paw (n.)爪子
Titan (n.)泰坦-希臘神、巨人、大人物
I’m tired of reporting on titans.
thorny (adj.)多刺的
What did I do to deserve such a thorny welcome?
thorn (n.)刺、棘
There’s no rose without a thorn.
Blair English Tutor Center
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