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1.       A Dear John letter 分手信
I couldn’t believe it! My girlfriend sent me a Dear John letter as soon as she arrived in Paris.
2.       A happy camper 樂天的人
I’m a happy camper.
3.       Be back on the saddle again 重回情場
I’ll be back on the saddle again soon.
4.       Be on the rebound 剛分手
I heard John is on the rebound.
5.       Be on the same page 有共識
We need to be on the same page before we start to work.
6.       Be in the same boat 同病相憐,處境相同
We are both in the same boat that we lost our jobs.
7.       Between the lines 弦外之意
When Ben read between the lines, he realized his girlfriend was breaking up with him.
8.       By word of mouth 聽說
I heard of it by word of mouth.
9.       Call the shots 發號施令
His wife always calls the shots.
10.    Caught off guard 措手不及
I was caught off guard by her sudden appearance.





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