

rogue (v.)遊手好閒 (n.)流氓、惡棍

I heard you went rogue.



interloper (n.)闖入者

Seems like someone’s itinerary didn’t leave room for interlopers. Doesn’t Chuck know a party isn’t a party until someone crashes?



crash (v.)闖入

Is that a party girlfriends can crash?


crash (v.)當機

My laptop just crashed.


crash (v.)飛機墜毀

A plane crashed west of America yesterday.


crash (v.)破產

Jim’s company crashed last month.



crush (v.)壓碎、碾碎

Don’t crush that box.


crush (n.)迷戀的對象

I have a crush.



one-hit wonder (n.)曇花一現的奇葩

A: You’re a former rocker? (你是早期的搖滾歌手?)

B: I prefer one-hit wonder. (我比較喜歡人家覺得我是紅極一時的奇葩)


deadbeat (n.)賴債不還的人、遊手好閒者

Ben is such a deadbeat.



sideline (n.)場外觀看的地方、界線(球場)

Since it’s so boring on the sidelines, you’ll have my full attention.



I’m an account, but I have some classes as a sideline.



fresh-squeezed (adj.)現榨的

The orange juice is fresh-squeezed.


squeeze (v.) 榨、擠、壓、擰


5-finger discount (n.)偷來的東西

Who doesn’t like a 5-finger discount?


discount (n.)折扣

5-finger (adj.)五根手指的



snap one’s fingers (phr.)彈手指(打拍子、輕蔑、不在乎)

Are you snapping your fingers now?


snap (v.)啪得關上(打開)

Jessie snapped the door and walked away. (Jessie 甩了門就走。)

snap (v.)怒氣沖沖地說

“Shut up!” he snapped. (氣地說「閉嘴」。)

snap (v.)厲聲責駡

My wife is always snapping at me. (我老婆老是厲聲責駡我。)

snap (v.)(n.)快照

I snapped a photograph of her. (我幫她了一張。)

snap (n.)輕鬆的工作

Taking care of babies is a snap for me. (照顧小孩對我來說根本就小意思)

truth or dare (n.)真心話大冒險遊戲

matchy-matchy (n.)連連看

fanny bag (n.)腰包

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