short fuse (phr.)易怒的脾氣
Our neighbor has a short fuse and always quarrels with others.
fuse (n.)保險絲
green (n.)年輕人
Go, green!
green (n.)大家都知道是綠色的意思,但它還有其它的用法。
Jim is a green hand. (Jim是個新手。)
I’m a green person. (我是個環保的人。)
如果加上thumb (n.)拇指這個字的話,
green thumb就是綠色的拇指也就是說精於園藝。
I don’t have a green thumb. (我對園藝一竅不通。)
groupie (n.)追星族
Sally is a groupie.
group (n.)群、組、團體的意思,以美國俚語來講,groupie可以解釋為追星一族。
nail (v.)抓住
Nail that interview!
nail (n.)釘子、指甲、爪 (v.)將..釘牢
full-fledged (adj.)羽毛長齊的、有充份資格的、經訓練過的
Should I call mom, and we can make this a full-fledged Humphrey affair?
fledge (v.)長翅
full-fledged (adj.)在這的意思是全家出動
commandeer (v.)霸佔
Can you explain how Serena’s commandeering the Yale rep. while you’re supposed to be his usher?
command (v.)命令、指揮、控制
commander (n.)指揮官、領導人
cop-out (n.)放棄、逃避、推脫
What do you think of the epilog? Some people really love it, but the New York Times called it a cheap cop-out.
epilog (n.)收場、結尾
prolog (n.)開場、序言
strain (n.)沉重壓力
What’s happened to Eric has put a huge strain on our family.
strain (n.)拉緊、張力、負擔、緊張(身心)、壓力
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